
3221 - 3240 / 14973
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  • Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development – 2nd Edition

  • Leadership in a Diverse and Multicultural Environment: Developing Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills – 1st Edition

  • Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives- 1st Edition -2017,

  • Leadership in Organizations

  • Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application – 9th Edition

  • Leadership Theory and Practic 6th Edition by Peter G Northouse

  • Leadership: A Communication Perspective, Seventh Edition – 7th Edition

  • Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience

  • Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills – 8th Edition

  • Leadership: Theory and Practice – 8th Edition

  • Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development

  • Leading Change in Multiple Contexts: Concepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change Settings – 1st Edition

  • Leading – Managing Occupational Therapy Services An Evidence-Based Approach 2nd Edition

  • Leading Psychoeducational Groups for Children and Adolescents 1st Edition

  • Leading and Managing in Nursing – 6th Edition

  • Leading Schools to Success: Constructing and Sustaining High-Performing Learning Cultures – 1st Edition

  • Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation 2nd Edition

  • Leading With Communication: A Practical Approach to Leadership Communication 1st Edition

  • Learning and Behavior A Contemporary Synthesis 2nd Edition

  • Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference

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